Full harvesting system and in field handling – standardization of cotton in the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace

Cotton cultivation is one of the main arable crops in Greece. In recent years, it occupies 45-50% of all irrigated arable land, which proves its competitiveness against other irrigated crops.

Cotton cultivation is one of the main arable crops in Greece. In recent years, it occupies 45-50% of all irrigated arable land, which proves its competitiveness against other irrigated crops.

Measure 16 Cooperation

Benefits for the participating members


Methology of implementation of the project


Detailed information about the project

Innovation in our project

The structure of the system includes both commercial elements and elements that are the result of original research. In more detail, the system is structured in such a way as to efficiently and successfully combine new technology cotton picking machines (with the possibility of packing the harvested cotton in bales and discarding it in the field) with an innovative information system for handling and standardizing the harvested cotton.

The system enables the user (producer/cooperative scheme) to have a complete picture of all harvested quantities per field, quantity of cotton (number of bales), variety of cotton, moisture content, distance from the nearest gins, etc. giving him instructions for the optimal disposition of the product. It goes without saying that all these innovative features of the system promote cotton management to a different level compared to the traditional way of management by enabling the producer/cooperative to have at his disposal a useful and accurate tool for planning the disposition of his production.

Ολοκληρωμένο σύστημα συγκομιδής και εντός αγρού χειρισμού - τυποποίησης βάμβακος στην Περιφέρεια Α.Μ.Θ.

This project is funded under the “Measure 16 ‘Cooperation’” in the framework of National Rural Development Programme and it is co-financed by the European fund for rural development (EAFRD) and national budgets.